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Book now for the Autumn 24-25 Secondary Design & Technology Network - 16 December 2024

Book now for the Autumn 24-25 Secondary Design & Technology Network - 16 December 2024

by Hannah Richardson -
Number of replies: 0

The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to: 

  • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts. 
  • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context. 
  • Develop skills, expertise, and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice. 
  • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils. 
  • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system. 

Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Autumn Secondary Design

Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90